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Results Oriented Management and Accountability is a performance-based management system.  Using outcomes as its foundation, ROMA's aims are continuous program improvement and accountability. Community action is about identifying and addressing causes and conditions. ROMA helps us measure progress in reaching our goals.


CSBG funding requires that you, as an SLHDA Board member, receive ROMA Training.​ 


The following slides provide access to three videos that will impart a detailed introduction to Board Responsibility and Education. Please watch the following videos in their entirety and complete the Letters of Attestation attached to each video to acknowledge viewing each training video.

Why Do We Have Results Oriented Goals?

Results Oriented Goals are vastly different from Standard Operational Reporting and Goals. Why?

Results-Oriented Goals are focused not on how many people are served daily due to Agency assistance, but rather the effect of the services received. If a family is aided, did that lead to an improvement in their economic standing? Did the family find additional resources that were not previously available due to the aforementioned improvement?

Standard Operating Goals focus simply on the end result of services rather than the effect a service may have on a low-income individual or a family suffering from the effects of poverty.

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ROMA for Boards Introduction

Creating a Local Theory of Change

ROMA for Boards Community Needs Assessment

As a member of the SLHDA Board of Directors, it is required that all Board Members and Alternates attend and participate in ongoing ROMA Training. At your convenience please use the following link to access the next steps of the ROMA Next Generation Training Series.


It is required that all training sets are to be documented so as to verify that all Board Members and Alternates have completed his/her ROMA Training.



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