Home Energy Efficiency Loan Program
Home Energy Efficiency Loan Program (HEELP)
SLHDA Collaborating with PA Housing Finance Agency
to Offer Low Interest Loans for Energy Efficient Home Repairs
The Scranton Lackawanna Human Development Agency (SLHDA) is coordinating local efforts with the Pennsylvanian Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) to offer 1% loans up to $10,000 for energy efficient home repairs for those with low and moderate incomes.
The loans can pay for - air sealing, insulation and duct work, energy-efficient windows and doors, heating and cooling system repairs or replacements, roof replacements, and remediation of barriers preventing Weatherization services.
SLHDA will screen applicants and project scopes of work to determine eligibility through PHFA guidelines.
For information call the WX director 570-963-6836 ext 5.
Low interest loans at 1% through PHFA for income eligible families.
Contact PHFA at (717) 780-3800.